Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tourists in Washington

We had the opportunity to go up to Washington state this past weekend, and boy was it beautiful! Trevor's grandparents are in Bellingham, so they took us in for a few days and showed us the sites. They drove us all around the neighboring counties and shared their wisdom about the history of the area and the old infrastructure that's still standing and in use today. They even took us to the Canadian border! If you look at the picture of the arch, you're looking over into Canada! We had a awesome time and wished we could have stayed longer. Here are some of our shots from the trip.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jenn & Mike Portraits

We got the opportunity to take out a gorgeous red head and her main squeeze for a really fun portrait session around Montana de Oro last weekend! We've known Jenn & Mike for several years, so shooting them was super relaxed and silly. They of course have their little baby Dexter with them- who is clearly such the majestic creature. :) And on our way back into town we found the most beautiful flower patch to capture. Awesome day with two of our best friends.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The new Fry-Mobile

So after weeks of jumping through DMV and Bank hoops, we were finally able to bring the new Fry-mobile home. Growing up i've always had fairly small cars (Toyota MR-2, Toyota Starlet, etc.), and although the Volvo (see below) was way faster than it should have been, it left a lot to be desired in the corners (re: drove like a speed-boat).
Eventually, the time came for me to move on and I sold the Volvo a couple weeks ago with the intentions of buying something a little more sporty. Fast forward to Wednesday night, and I am now the proud owner of a 2003 Mini Cooper S. This is seriously one of the most fun cars I have driven (and I've driven quite a few cars in my time). Within a day after owning it, I am already finding the limits of the stability control - it inspires confidence immediately!
Here she is in all her glory (with a shot of the Volvo 850 T-5r that was my previous ride).
