Fry-Photography has officially been published!
We were given the opportunity to shoot for an awesome local magazine, San Lou!e. They were featuring the beautiful new Railroad Square building in San Luis and asked us if we would be the featured photographers! Ummm... YES, please!
Not only did we get to explore and document the awesome building, but we got a personalized tour from the architect himself! It was so neat to see how they kept part of the old building that they could restore from the fire and added on a completely new, modern section- complete with office buildings, a cafe and a yoga studio!
Some of the photographs were featured at Sallie Lou's cafe in San Louis a couple weeks before they published that issue of the magazine. It was so rewarding to go in there and see our work on the walls! And picking up and flipping through the actually magazine for the first time felt good also.
The entire experience gave us both such a sense of accomplishment and pride. Here are just a few of the shots we got that day... hope you enjoy! :)