Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Featured on A.G. Preschool & Childcare's Website!

Hey everyone! Just thought we'd share the good news that we were featured on Arroyo Grande Preschool & Childcare's website for the shoot we did there last week! We're also really excited about their upcoming event we're shooting at: Family Fun Day. It's a chance for families to come with their children and do crafts, play, and spend quality time together. We will be taking family photos and candid shots and also giving people the opportunity to order prints from the day. Check out the link and hope to see some familiar faces there!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Cemetery at Sunset

Yesterday we wanted to go out just before the sun was setting to experiment with lighting and see what shots we could get. We found a couple of awesome back roads in SLO and a great cemetery, right when the sun was setting. All in all, another successful photo excursion!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shoot for Family Childcare & Preschool in A.G.

We did the shoot yesterday for Family Childcare and Preschool in Arroyo Grande. The light was was beautiful. We were out there at a perfect time in the day- just before sunset. Dana, one of the preschool directors, showed us around and explained the school's philosophies and services. If you're interested, their website can be found at:http://arroyograndepreschool.com . Here are some of the shots from the day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ian's Bachelor Party Ride

I know, a little late on the draw here, but I was just going through some old photos and thought these from Ian's Bachelor Party Ride were pretty neat. Hope you enjoy


Friday, October 16, 2009

Baba's Birthday Bash

The most awesome grandma in the world turned 82 a few weeks ago and we went up to celebrate with her and the rest of the fam. It was a really fun trip with delicious grub, games, cake and great-grandkids. All to make Baba feel special and loved- because boy is she ever. And I just have to throw in my favorite Baba quote in the ever abundance of Baba quotes: Regarding finding a man, she always tells me, "Shop 'til ya drop!"

Date Night and Avila Valley Barn

We got to Avila Valley Barn about an hour before it closed and the lighting was beautiful. It was fun watching all the kidies run around, feeding the animals and picking out pumpkins. Even saw one little guy trying to eat a massive pumpkin about twice his size! Afterwards we headed out for a sunset and some swings at Avila Beach and Customs House for dinner. Mmmmm, their clam chowder was the best! Here are some images from our excursion.