Monday, April 26, 2010

A SLO County Excursion

Yup, Trevor's right; I did have some school work to do on Saturday. But thankfully it wasn't just hitting the books- I actually had a self guided field trip I had to complete. It was surprisingly pretty interesting. I got to tour around places I pass by on a weekly basis, but never take the time to really go see. We had to hit The Old Adobe in San Miguel, The San Miguel Mission, EOS Winery and a graveyard just outside of San Miguel amidst acres and acres of vineyards. I, of course, brought my camera and here are some shots I snapped of my journey.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Paso Robles Sidecar-Rally & Craft Fair

Ashley had some schoolwork to do yesterday, so i decided to grab the camera and take the bike up to the Sidecar-rally up in Paso Robles. Although it was a smaller rally, quite a few interesting rides showed up. Some home-brews, some classic cars, and even a red-wagon styled sidecar! Anyway, here are some of the pictures I snapped - enjoy!


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Sunday, April 18, 2010

A gorgeous SLO afternoon

So Trevor and I decided a little healthy competition was in order. We wanted to see who could get the best 'bridge' shot of the day. So we headed down to downtown SLO and explored. We wandered down by the creek, then over to the train station, stopping at each unique bridge along the way. Trevor has so much more of a geometric eye and really captured the structural details of the places we explored. I, of course, was drawn to the vibrant colors and flowers, and found a gorgeous tree right downtown by the cigar shop to focus on. All in all, it was a beautiful central coast day and we had a grand ol' time teasing each other on who could capture the best image.