Thursday, September 23, 2010

A vaca down in the S.D.

A vacation was what the doctor ordered... so when my mom said the family was packin' up and going to San Diego to hang out and relax for a week, I was like, 'sign me up!' It was a much needed get away. The weather was beautiful; our hotel was right on the water; and we chowed down on excellent grub every night we were there. Really, in my family, a vacation is really just a foodcation. And I'm ok with that. Here are just a couple shots from my trip. Honestly, I took a break from EVERYTHING though... including photography!

Oh and PS: my sisters... are seriously gorgeous in that picture. :)

Christina & Austin Tie the Knot!

So pretty much, Wedding Season = Pure Insanity... But it's to be expected. What would we do in this world if not running around from wedding to wedding each weekend, documenting arguably the most important day in people's lives?!

So welcome to the Santos wedding! Christina and Austin are seriously an awesome couple. It's so amazing when, not only is it so clearly obvious the couple you're shooting is madly in love with each other, but they're so lovely and natural with each other that very little direction is needed from us photographers! They were serious naturals in front of the lens.

Their wedding was held at the Madonna Inn (if you can't guess just by looking at all the bright pink & red on the walls!) on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. We really had a great time with their wedding party and boooooy did people boogey down when it came time for dancing! I mean... let's be real... do you SEE that kid doing the sprinkler down there?! One word- Pimp. This kid was awesome! Break dancing song after song & all amongst a crowd of beautiful ladies! I can already tell he's going big places. :)

Congratulations to the newly weds & we're so excited they've already booked another shoot in December! Christmas photos here we come!