Monday, February 28, 2011

A Lovebird Shoot Downtown

The rain let up just in time for us to take Robin & Thomas around San Luis for a cute lil' lovebird shoot a couple Sundays ago. So though the air was a bit crisp- you're a trooper, Robin, for wearing that dress! you looked super cute, but it was oh-so-cold!- it was sunny and a nice day to go romping around downtown. Because the next day was President's Day, everyone was out in full force- the streets were busy! We even got to see a little girl in a tutu yell over and over, 'I love Lady Gaga!' Boy do her parents have some interesting teenage years to look forward to!

Robin & Thomas were super fun, though and we LOVE it when clients get silly! For proof, just scroll down and see Robin biting Thomas' tongue and Thomas coping a feel!

Thanks you two for an awesome Sunday afternoon and providing us with some good laughs!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My gorgeous ring

Wanted to share this cute picture I took of my ring. I stole one of Trevor's rings- so no, not his wedding band quite yet- but my smiley face needed two eyeballs! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

An engagement in a photobooth

When our 3 year anniversary was approaching, we knew we wanted to go out of town... where we weren't too sure... but just get outta town! So we asked ourselves- where is there an Embassy Suites?! Really can't bring ourselves to book a hotel these days that is sans free happy hour and free cook to order breakfast. So we settled on staying in Burbank- with a planned trip to Santa Monica on our actual anniversary. Perfect! Little did I know Trevor had an elaborate scheme up his sleeve!

We stopped by at the Santa Barbara Zoo on our way down. Loved it! Never been there before and it was a Monday, so that meant a minimal number of bratty, screaming children running around. It was nice and quiet.

We headed to Santa Monica Tuesday morning- trying to catch the sunrise. Boy LA traffic is horrible... even at 6 in the morning! We technically missed the sunrise, but still got to the Santa Monica Pier when the sun was just rising over the buildings and still fresh and crisp outside. A gorgeous morning to get engaged! We walked around and took some photos- and after probably what felt like an eternity for Trevor we made our way to the photobooths. The look of excitement in the photobooth strip below was definitely truly genuine! I was soooo confused! Since we had already exchanged gifts for our anniversary, I was deeeefinitely not expecting anything else- let alone a ring!

So after a few tears and after the confusion wore off, we called our families and enjoyed the rest of the day soaking in the sun, shopping and eating at my faaaave places to eat of all time- Benihana. Mmmmmm! :)

Thank you for an amazing anniversary, baby. It was honestly... pretty much the best day in Ashley-world thus far. Amazing food, an amazing man, gorgeous surroundings... and getting engaged!!