Monday, April 26, 2010

A SLO County Excursion

Yup, Trevor's right; I did have some school work to do on Saturday. But thankfully it wasn't just hitting the books- I actually had a self guided field trip I had to complete. It was surprisingly pretty interesting. I got to tour around places I pass by on a weekly basis, but never take the time to really go see. We had to hit The Old Adobe in San Miguel, The San Miguel Mission, EOS Winery and a graveyard just outside of San Miguel amidst acres and acres of vineyards. I, of course, brought my camera and here are some shots I snapped of my journey.


  1. Aren't field trips fun. Love the wine bottles and the leaves images. Don't know where you got your talent but you must have someone in your family that has some! Keep up the good work. Miriam

  2. these are gorgeous!p.s.moms funny.
    love linds
