Monday, February 28, 2011

A Lovebird Shoot Downtown

The rain let up just in time for us to take Robin & Thomas around San Luis for a cute lil' lovebird shoot a couple Sundays ago. So though the air was a bit crisp- you're a trooper, Robin, for wearing that dress! you looked super cute, but it was oh-so-cold!- it was sunny and a nice day to go romping around downtown. Because the next day was President's Day, everyone was out in full force- the streets were busy! We even got to see a little girl in a tutu yell over and over, 'I love Lady Gaga!' Boy do her parents have some interesting teenage years to look forward to!

Robin & Thomas were super fun, though and we LOVE it when clients get silly! For proof, just scroll down and see Robin biting Thomas' tongue and Thomas coping a feel!

Thanks you two for an awesome Sunday afternoon and providing us with some good laughs!

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