Wednesday, August 11, 2010

MotoGP 2010 ~ Laguna Seca

What's this? ANOTHER motorsport post!?
That's right - Ashley is on vacation so I took over the blog! MUAHAHAHAHA!

I'm not really one for tradition, but every summer I make it up to the MotoGP race at Laguna Seca. This year we tried something a little different and only went to the Friday practice session as our schedules didn't really allow any other day.

It was actually quite a nice change - no crowds, cooler weather, and cameras in hand to capture the moments. Heck, we even got into the paddock!

I apologize in advance, but the pictures are very Ducati-centric. I can't help it if they make beautiful bikes!!!

Anyway, enough of my babbling - here's the pictures!


...we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

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