Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baba (n) Grandmother in Slavic, Eastern European countries.

Meet Baba.

Baba is pretty much the coolest grandma.... well, ever. She's so hip and with it she even has a post - it on her fridge with 'Baba-licious' written on it. Baba has taught me a great many things in this short life of mine. She's taught me to stick up for myself and have a good head on my shoulders not only as an intelligent person in this world, but especially as a woman. I mean, her favorite saying when it comes to finding a man is 'Shop 'til ya drop!' ....yeah. She's awesome.

These are photos from her 80-something-ish birthday back in October. We had such a great time with the family, but also just enjoying the presence of Baba's company. She always makes you laugh and is just always such a positive influence in your day.

Baba has helped mold and shape me as a person in ways that not only will I never forget, but that are thoroughly ingrained in me as a person. Happy birthday, Baba! We all love you so much, and even though you're majorly anti- computer... (I don't blame you- when I'm your age, I'm sure I'll be majorly anti- time travel or whatever the devil it is the kids will be doing those days) ...but I'll be sure one of the grandkids shows you this post- and all the awesome pictures I captured of the day. :)

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